Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How to Deal with Blackheads

I wanted to give you Ladies a few tips for dealing with blackheads. I've notice within the last few weeks they have been popping up and more., but nothing serious.

First What are BLACKHEADS?? Blackheads are also known as comedones they are tiny dark spots caused by a small plug in the opening of a pore on the skin. Normally found on oily skin ( I mostly have them in my TZones). Blackheads are hard to get rid of and should be treated everyday.

Here are a few tips to help you deal with these bad boys.
You always want to clean your face. You want to use a face product that is suitable for your skin type. Skin types are Oily,Dry,Combination, or Sensitive.

This step is important because it helps soak up oils and keep the skin tight and smooth.

Ladies please don't skip this step!! It removes blackheads also dead skin(a major problem for myself)

Extra helpful tips:
Drink water at least 8cups, I find myself only drinking 6cups but I'm working on that!! It also helps with weight loss
Use a face mask (I will post a list of mask soon)
Pore strips( I haven't used any yet but I heard that work great)

Source Picture and Info found on Google
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Monday, December 27, 2010

M.A.C Studio Fix Fluid

Hey Chicas, I wanted to share my new foundation with you guys. I've been wearing Studio Fix Fluid for about 3weeks.I've heard pretty good things abouth the coverage and after talking with my Bestie I really wanted to try it out. I really didn't think this was going to work for me because of the color. I really didn't want to waste any money, but since I won a MACY's giftcard in a giveaway I decided to get it. So far I like it. Now when I first got it I wore it without mixing it with my Revlon Photoready in Mocha. It didn't feel heavy or cakey on my skin. When I was reseaching this foundation alot of girls were saying it cause breakouts, but so far I haven't had any breakouts relating to the foundation. I apply this with my stippling brush and it goes on nice. After using this for a month then I will let you know if you should give this a try.

Good Coverage, great for going out
No transfer so far
Easy to apply

Wish it had a pump
Not a exactly color match

Studio Fix-without mixing

Studio Fix-with photoready(mocha)

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Natural Hair-Lenghth Check

I washed my hair tonight and wanted to do a lenght check

I wanted to show off my afro (:

Back RideSide

Front Left Side

Front Middle

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Natural Hair Tag

After reading April from hopeless.shopaholic Natural Hair Tag, I decided to do it too (:

1. Where are you from and how's the natural scene there?
I'm from Charleston, SC but We are currently in Delaware. I've seen about 8 natural ladies mainly on base. So of course I get those WTF

2. Why did you go natural?
I went natural because I was sick of damaging my hair, the burn scalps, and having to stomach the smell of the relaxers. I  really want(ed) to be able to change up styles with my own hair.

3. How long did you transition? I transition for about four months, but it wasn't plan

4. How long have you been natural?  5mos

5. What is your hair texture? Its soft and thick. Its been getting more and more dry because of the weather.

6. How did your family and  friends react to your bc? I didn't tell anyone I was going natural. I really didn't care what others were going to say expect for my husband. My husband was out of town and I sent him the picture of my bc and his response was 'Your Beautiful" It really made me happy. My friends and family were cool with negative comments.

7. What is your favorite product for your hair? I have 2 favorite products

Eco Styling Olive Oil Gel
 Herbal Essence Hello Hydration

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Olay Regenerist Microdermabrasion & Peel System

For sometime now I've been trying to deal with my dark spots and uneven skin tone, so I thought I should try using a microdermabrasion system. I had no idea what product to buy and after watching Youtube videos I decided to go to walmart and buy the Olay Microdermabrasion and Peel System. Now I've had this for about 3months. Before getting into the review here's a description of the product.

"Combine the power of microdermabrasion and a mini-peel treatment for visibly smoother softer and more even-toned skin".

There are two different products used in the system

Microdermabrasion Treatment with derma-crystal
Step 1- Apply the derma-crystal to a clean/dry face "Quarter" size. Cover entire face and avoid the eyes. Gently massage for 45 seconds to 1 minute.


Peel Activator Serum with lactic acid
Step 2- Apply serum onto fingertips adding a thick layer directly over the entire derma-crystal mask. Gentle massage for up to 1 minute. OK once you apply this over the mask a "white" foam will appear and your face will start warming up.

Once the product has been on your face for about a minute wipe it off with a warm damp cloth.

I've have to honestly say that so far its not working for me. I haven't seen a huge different in my skin. Now it does make my skin soft *shrugs* nothing special. I just used it on Monday and it did take away dead skin on one of my blemishes. The derma crystal is a little harsh on my skin it kind of makes my skin red. The serum in my opinion doesn't work. I guess I should research more on what the peel is suppose to do, because its not doing much. I can't say that the product won't work for others. I just need to use it a little longer before giving it a grade. I really hope this works because I really want a even skin tone.

Natural Hair Update

As some of you may already know I'm currently 5mos natural. I decided to give you guys a quick run down on my hair. First of all I don't wear my hair out as much because of the weather. I mostly wear protective styles, mainly because I'm clueless. On how to protect it through the winter. When I'm in the house I wear my hair out. I take care of my hair like I "think" I should, I don't apply alot of different products to my hair. I really don't see the point on changing up something that's working great for my hair. Now my hair does get very dry so I apply a mixture of oils to it whenever it starts feeling rough. That's probably the only issue I've been having with it. My hair is growing out very well in my opinion. I'm learning the best thing to do is let my hair do its own thing. I have to say that protective styles are really helping my hair. I mostly wear wigs and I LOVE IT. I know some people don't understand that and think why cut off all your hair just to rock wigs and that's not the case. Just because I went natural doesn't mean I can't wear wigs,braids, and etc. Me going natural was not to go on this life changing journey, I did it because I was sick of damaging my hair. However since going natural its making a huge difference in my life. I'm more confident and happy about myself. I can see the true me and not worry what others think. My life is a work in progress...but I do give alot of credit to my hair. Its playing a huge part with me finding myself.

I will post a length check and go into more details on my hair and a list of products I'm using. I'm thinking of doing a couple of reviews on the wigs I've been wearing.

Here's a couple of pictures of my hair in a twist out after a few days

Monday, December 13, 2010

How I 2 Strand Twist My Hair

Couple of days ago, I decided to do a 2 strand twist to celebrate reaching 5mos natural (:
I thought it would be cool to show you how I did it

Now the next steps are pretty much easy. DO this for the entire head

I wanted to keep this neat as possible, however after doing this for an HOUR
that idea was thrown out the

3+hours later I finally finish
Here's the finish Look

Monday, November 29, 2010

Review-Burt's Bee Acne Spot Treatment

Hey ladies, I wanted to give you a review on Burt's Bee Acne Treatment

"This natural acne spot treatment is clinically proven to reduce and improve the appearance of blemishes without irritating skin"

How to Use
Apply to face in the morning and evening after cleansing

My Review
First of all I brought this product because for two weeks straight I was having serious issues with my face.
Mainly because I break out on those SPECIAL DAYS!! and they are the worst to treat. After asking everyone on twitter what I should use, a couple of people said Burt's Bee Acne System. Which I had no clue they even had a system. I got it and I LOVE THIS STUFF
Can't you tell

I apply this to my acne and within a few hours, my acne were starting to get smaller.
Within the next 2-3 days my acne were gone.
Which surprise the crap out of me!!
NOW here are the Down Sides ):

Ok, anyone with dry skin or sensitive skin please be careful on how much product you use on your face.
Because it can burn your skin and leave a redness mark!! I put some witch hazel on my face and I was good.
Next the bottle is small which means not alot of product.
Maybe because I was applying this bad boy every few hours which could be the  reason
why I ran out quick.

I would recommend this to anyone
I grade this

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hair Update

I've been natural for 4months now and I'm still learning more about my hair.
I have to say that I am a little lazy when it comes to taking care of my hair. 
I have to say that I don't follow all the trends or buy EVERY product that I see on youtube or on blogs.
I use what I need and that's about it. Its been growing out very well in my opinion.
I haven't been wearing my hair out as much just because of the weather.
The weather up north is totally different from the south.
I decided to try out new styles with my hair



Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hair Update...

I want to update you on the process of my hair. It beens growing very well. I'm really happy about it. Howeve since I'm in the middle of moving, I don't have the time to care for it like I WANT. So I've been wearing it in protective styles, which I will do a post about. I will be hitting the 3month mark in few weeks but I won't be able to show you any pictures because its in a protective style right now. Here are some pictures of my hair after I wash and did a comb through.

Friday, September 10, 2010

2 months Natural

I just wanted to post pictures of my hair!! I will be 2months natural tomorrow and
I will be on the road all day tomorrow so I just wanted to do a quick post.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Review-Herbal Essences

 Herbal Essences- Hello Hydration
I've heard great reviews about this Shampoo, so I had to try this out!!
 This a 2 in 1 Moisturizing shampoo + Conditioner
The description on the back is super cute, but it pretty much says that this products moisturizes and leaves the hair feeling clean. It also contains orchid and coconut milk ;)

 This is my first time using Herbal Essences product
I have to say that I love this shampoo.
Once I open the bottle I'm hit with the smell, and let me tell you  Girls
it smells GREAT!!!!!
It has a cotton candy smell, but its not overwhelming.
The product is thick, which I like because its easy to work with and its not runny.
You really don't have to use a lot of product to get a good lather.

I really do feel my hair getting a deep clean
 specially because my hair is short.

Once I rinse out the shampoo, my hair doesn't feel heavy and its really really soft.
 I can honestly say this is great shampoo, I wish I didn't wait until I went natural to use this stuff!!

Grade A+

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Natural Showcase- Shaina King


1.  How long have you been Natural or Transitioning? I have been Natural for 1 year and 2 months

2. What made you go Natural? I wanted to go Natural because I wanted to try something different other than a perm. Also wanted to see how long my hair would get from cutting it for the Natural process.

3. Did you do your Own BC? No

4. Since the cut do you feel different? Yes, I get lots of compliments on my hair and it makes me feel like Natural is a new me.

5. Is there any Challenges to being Natural? Yes just being able to keep up with it if you want it to look right and grow. Sometimes choosing hair styles to fit you with the Natural look is a Challenge to me.

6. How do you rock your hair? I usually rock my hair in the throwback puff ponytail, dread twist, and two strand twist.

7. What do you like most about your style? The color I recently added to it.

8. What is your Go to Product? Olive Oil

9. What's your hair regimen? Basically sticking to one hair care product, no more than two different stylists, and getting my hair done every 2 weeks.

10. If you have a blog, twitter, etc feel free to add!!

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Recent comments by

Her name is Creta Girl by Freestree

March 28, 2011 19:11:38 Jump to / Sunday at the Mall

wow, i didn't know that. I saw your post yeah I was scared on my cruise

March 28, 2011 19:11:12 Jump to / Day 28

do you exfoliate? I had to get another lotion for my skin its been super dry lately

March 27, 2011 00:02:20 Jump to / Neutrogena Wave Sonic

Lol, I try

March 02, 2011 11:47:50 Jump to / Day 1

Thank you love, do you watch Rupaul Drag Race OMG!! love that show

March 02, 2011 11:47:36 Jump to / Day 1

Recent comments by

Her name is Creta Girl by Freestree

March 28, 2011 19:11:38 Jump to / Sunday at the Mall

wow, i didn't know that. I saw your post yeah I was scared on my cruise

March 28, 2011 19:11:12 Jump to / Day 28

do you exfoliate? I had to get another lotion for my skin its been super dry lately

March 27, 2011 00:02:20 Jump to / Neutrogena Wave Sonic

Lol, I try

March 02, 2011 11:47:50 Jump to / Day 1

Thank you love, do you watch Rupaul Drag Race OMG!! love that show

March 02, 2011 11:47:36 Jump to / Day 1