Thursday, April 28, 2011

Biore Strips

For a couple of months I've been hearing great things about Biore Strips and since I can't stand seeing white/black heads on my nose I had to try. I got mines from Target for around $6 bucks, this one is different from the original because it contains Tea Tree Oil which I love!

 Biore Ultra Deep Cleansing Pore Strips
Unclogs and invigorates

 "Instantly unclogs even more pores than Biore original pore strips made with Tea Tree Oil. Diminish the appearance of pores do not use often than once every 3 days".

  • Make sure that your nose is wet before applying the strip because it won't stick if you don't.
  • Smooth the strip on the nose make sure you don't have any air pockets
  • Now let it dry which it should take around 10-15minutes. I usually do stuff around the house to pass the time. 
  • the strip should be stiff
  • SLOWLY peel the strip off 
It does unclogs my pores  
My nose feels soft and smooth
Every week I see less and less dirt/white heads
I do use it daily to get the Best Results 
When pulling strip off be careful, because it can hurt. Trust me its brought tears to my eyes
Overall I like using the strips!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Natural Hair-My Tips/Advice for Transitioning

Here's my Top Tips/Advice for those Transitioning

You don't have to BC(Big Chop)
Cutting your relax hair is a Huge step into going natural. However you can trim your relaxed hair week by week or month by month. You don't have to do what others are doing. It All depends on what you want or comfortable with.

Try New Hair Styles
Twist outs
Roller sets
Hot Combs

Try New Products ( Link )
Its Ok to peep around the corner to see whats on the other side of the isle. When I told my friends and family what I use on my hair they would say "the white folks products" YES. Those products work just as well as black products. Sometimes BETTER!! Just because its not market for black people doesn't mean it doesn't work for our kinky/curly hair.

Try using Products that are Alcohol-Free

Moisturize/Style your hair using Oils ( Link )

Styling your hair while its wet or damp (Link )

Allow your hair to tell you what it needs
I allow my hair to go without styling or washing for a few days or week because the less I'm doing to it the more it grows.

Get to know your hair
no one knows your hair better than YOU!!

No 2 hair is alike
your hair is not going to look like the chick on TV or Magazine. Being hair envy is ok from time to time lol

Ask yourself is this what you want, going natural isn't a easy thing
There are times where you want to give up and that's ok. Sometimes hairstyles and products won't work. Patience and Practice is the best thing when dealing with your hair. Trying new things are not going to work all the time, plus do what works for you.

The first thing I did was research everything I used or did to my hair. Sometimes they didn't always help or work, but the more I knew the better and easier things got for me.

Natural Sunshine has helped me out the most!! Please check it out!!

Natural Showcase-Cheneri

How long have you been Natural or Transitioning?
I had my last perm in August 2009, transitioned to July 1st 2010 when I cut the rest of my hair off. So I have been natural thus far for 9 months

What made you go Natural?
I went natural because it was just something I wanted to try at first. I wanted the little curl hair cut. But after researching about it I came to the realization that it was more healthier for me.

Is (were) there any challenges to being natural?
I don't believe I had/have any bad challenges. When you become natural it's a learning process/journey, so everything that comes as a challenge to some is just apart of the process in becoming a better Naturalista to me.

Are you a product junkie?
YES! YEs! Yes! I am a PJ. I will not hide it or deny it. I don't look at it as a bad thing because it's my hair and I want the best for my hair for it to stay healthy. So, if buying and trying out different products after products help me to do that, then by all mines show me the products. LOL!!

How do you feel about wigs and weaves?
I don't have a problem with wigs or weaves. I don't wear them now since I BC'd but before I started transitioning and while transitioning they were one of my best friends so to speak. It helps in the journey with transitioning and also when you want a protective style or even a break from all your beautiful curls.

How do you rock your hair?
My go to styles are:
Fro (of course)
The Puff
Twist/Twist Outs
Very Curly (with a styling gel or custard)

Have you had to do deal with *side eye* looks from other races?
I wouldn't say I had to deal with it because it's just a look, just keep my head up and rocked out my confidence. I mean a look can't hurt me! *Shrug*

How do you feel about Natural vs Relaxed Battle?

The!! I was just explaining to someone that I don't to much get into the battle because if people would really sit back and think about it, we have more naturals in the world than relaxed/permed. Most people don't put chemicals in their hair. Most men don't, most Cucasians don't, Asian, or any other race. If you look at it most Cucasians don't alter there hair to become straight/curly, they wear their hair as is. So with the Natural Hair Movement to me, it's not a Natural Hair Movement, it's just that us as African Americans are starting to come to the realization that we don't have to use chemicals to look beautiful but we can wear our hair just like we want to. Other races figured that out long ago.

If you could only give one advice to someone going natural what would it be?

If you have a blog, twitter, etc feel free to add!!

 Cheneri Relaxed  & Big Chop

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Twist Out & FOTD

Today I had a Doctor's appointment and decided to keep my makeup simple it was really gloomy out /: but I did wear a twist out that I actually twisted last week. For some reason my curls were popping more and my hair fell the way I wanted this time. I very please with my twist out!

Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better to take things as they come along with patience and equanimity. -Carl Jung

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Shea Moisture Black Soap

The other day me and my friend Lynn went to Target to get some things and I came across Shea Moisture Organic African Black Soap!

Acne Prone & Troubled Skin
African Black Soap, made from palm ash, tamarind extract, tar and plantain peel has been used in Africa for centuries to treat eczema, acne, oily skin, psoriasis, and other skin ailments.
Combined with the healing and hydrating properties of Shea Butter, this healing soap should be used daily to balance and resolve problem skin.

I haven't read a lot of reviews for this soap, I can't wait to start using this to see if it can help with my acne and scars. If you used this please let me know!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Giovanni Shampoo & Conditioner

In my Tea Tree post I talked a little about The Givoanni shampoo and conditioner. I've been using the shampoo for a week and the conditioner on and off for about 2 mos.

 Description: increase scalp circulation for a refreshed renewed feel
strengthen hair with a three organic oil-blend to stimulate, condition, and clarify. Zero Sulfates!

  • Both products smell great a peppermint scent
  • Both made my scalp feel like its tingling 
  • Conditioner-makes my hair really soft 
  • Conditioner-doesn't dry my hair out
  • Both doesn't lather up like I want
 I can't really say if this is a must-have. I don't think I will be buying it again. That's not a bad thing, it just didn't do anything for my hair. Maybe I need to try using it more, but I doubt I will.

Baking Soda & Acne

For the last couple of weeks I've been dealing with acne some due to that "special time" of the month and the normal breakouts. I normally do spot treatments with baking soda but I've been doing mask because I'm dealing with cystic acne which are acne under the skin that are hard to get rid of. I like using baking soda because it kills the bacteria.

For those who don't know Baking Soda can reduce and help
acne, rosacea, eczema, and even rashes. It gets rid of bacteria and infections. I sometimes use toothpaste with baking soda if I don't feel like making a mixture. Making a mask is pretty easy and quick. Like any product you use make sure you ask a doctor before trying because you come have a reaction.

To make the mask you will need a bowl, water,  spoon, and baking soda 

I normally just pour a spoon fill of baking soda in a bowl and then add water
I apply it with my hand and slowly rub the baking soda in. I let it sit for about 10-20mins. Taking a warm cloth and rinse the baking soda off. Then apply a toner and moisturizer. Sometimes you may feel a burning feeling, if so you may want to rinse it off.

You should see results the next day or by the end of the week, well I normally see results the next day.
I hope this helps

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

DIY Peacock Earrings

Late last night I decided to make some feather earrings. I think they came out Good. I need some more practice but I will be making more for sure.
What you will need

Feathers, Pliers, Wire, and Findings. 
I found all of these at Micheal's 

I'm going to TRY and explain how I made them
Step 1-First decided how long you want the earrings, I wanted them long

Step 2- then pluck the feathers off

Step 3- Taking style (24 Gauge) wire and start wrapping the wire around the stem of the feather 

 Continue... wrapping the wire, it took some time to get the hang of wrapping the wire

 Step 5- Once you reach the top of the steam stop 

Step 6 & Step 7- Add the fish hook aka finding 

At this point with the extra wire you want to twist the wire going back down like you did in the beginning.

Step 8- Taking your pliers, bend the wire close so that you don't have any extra wire poking out
and your done. It shouldn't take too long it depends on the person, but it is simple to make.

Monday, April 11, 2011

My First Wash n Go

Today I wanted to rock a Wash n Go, I was happy with the way it turned out. Not sure if it will be an everyday thing but I will wear it out more often.

Natural Hair-Deep Conditioner

Late Last night I decided to wash my hair. Since I was feeling lazy I decided to mix the products. I'm not sure if it made a big different, but it is soft. I ended up mixing Shea Moisture Deep Treatment Masque and Hair Mayonnaise. I applied the mayo to the scalp and the masque to my hair. and massage them in. After 30 mins I use my Denman brush and detangle my hair.

  As you can see from the brush I had some shredding, which is about 2 weeks worth. Yeah I know I should detangle every week but I like doing after 2 weeks.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tea Tree Oil Benefits

I know some people don't know what Tea Tree Oil is but there are a lot of benefits to this Oil.Tea Tree is a pale yellow color to nearly clear a natural oil  used for both medical and cosmetics reasons.Tea  Tree oil can be used to help deal with  medical issues like fungus, bacteria, or virus infections. It does help with bad breath, plaque, sore throat. I started using Tea Tree oil because my nose piercing wasn't healing the right way and was causing a small bump to appear on my nose. After a few weeks the bump was gone.

Now after going natural I notice everyone was talking about how they used tea tree oil in their hair so I started adding it to my hair moisture spray and believe me when I say its really does make my hair feel soft and fresh. So I picked up some Giovanni hair shampoo and conditioner with Tea Tree Oil, I will do a review on that later. 

After having good results with my hair, I started using it on my acne. It helps kill the bacteria and dry out the pimple and by morning its pretty much gone. I really like this stuff I'm pretty much out of this oil so I will be hitting my GNC up soon. You should always ask a doctor before using anything new specially this because some people can be allergic to this oil. Before I use this on my skin I dilute it with water because its very strong.
Question- Have you used Tea Tree Oil? and if so How?

March Favs

Hey Ladies,

I wanted to share my March Favorites

  1. Equate Facial Cleansing Towelettes- These are the best wipes I've used and for a Great price. They remove my makeup and make my face feel fresh. You can get these from Walmart.
  2. WetnWild Vanity Palette
  3. Maybelline EyeStudio in Blackest Black
  4. MAC Concealer in NW45
  5. Now Tea Tree Oil
  6. Revlon Lipgloss in Coral Reef
  7. Victoria Secret Dream Angel Heavenly Mist 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Maybelline Gel Liner

Maybelline Eyestudio
 I love this liner
I brought this on sale  I picked up blackest black and brown. 
The texture is smooth  and easy to apply. A brush comes with the liner
but I just use my Sigma SS266. The brush seems more like a lip brush than a eyeliner brush.
It doesn't just come off in one wipe, you have to use a makeup remover to get this off. I think this is a must have liner!

Recent comments by

Her name is Creta Girl by Freestree

March 28, 2011 19:11:38 Jump to / Sunday at the Mall

wow, i didn't know that. I saw your post yeah I was scared on my cruise

March 28, 2011 19:11:12 Jump to / Day 28

do you exfoliate? I had to get another lotion for my skin its been super dry lately

March 27, 2011 00:02:20 Jump to / Neutrogena Wave Sonic

Lol, I try

March 02, 2011 11:47:50 Jump to / Day 1

Thank you love, do you watch Rupaul Drag Race OMG!! love that show

March 02, 2011 11:47:36 Jump to / Day 1

Recent comments by

Her name is Creta Girl by Freestree

March 28, 2011 19:11:38 Jump to / Sunday at the Mall

wow, i didn't know that. I saw your post yeah I was scared on my cruise

March 28, 2011 19:11:12 Jump to / Day 28

do you exfoliate? I had to get another lotion for my skin its been super dry lately

March 27, 2011 00:02:20 Jump to / Neutrogena Wave Sonic

Lol, I try

March 02, 2011 11:47:50 Jump to / Day 1

Thank you love, do you watch Rupaul Drag Race OMG!! love that show

March 02, 2011 11:47:36 Jump to / Day 1