Monday, March 19, 2012

My Influenster VoxBox Came!

What in the world is Influenster? Its a Community of trendsetters invited to share their lifestyles and show their influence to qualify for personalized product shipments, special rewards and exclusive deals from the brands they love. Members love testing the latest products, giving insightful feedback, and spreading the word on their favorite finds!

You will have to unlock badges that helps determine what products should be sent to you. You will have to review products and give them feedback on what you think about them. How much does it Cost? ITS FREE!!
 Here's the link

 Gillete Venus and Olay Razor 

Kiss Nail Dress in "Cocktail"

STASH Herbal Tea

Truvia Sugar and Ghirardelli Chocolate

Disclaimer: Products in this post were sent from Influenster for review. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

March Glam Bag

Yes, I jumped on the bandwagon and sub to Glam Bag!! After canceling my BirchBox months before I decided to give company a chance. Its been a lot people waiting to sign up and a whole lot of problems with this company. However I really don't have a issue with them. SO far so GOOD!!

In this bag I'm excited to use the Dermstore Gift Card I've been wanting to order something from this store for a while. 

St. Patty's & Tie Dye

Yesterday was St. Patty's Day and normally everyone goes out drink but instead me and my girls decided to hang out and tie dye for the first time. I'm excited to wear them out in public Not Really!! lol. Since my friend Tyler really wants to do then I will do it for her( the things I do for friends lol). I will post picture, I decided to have a little fun and do a eye look to help celebrate the day.

I Love how they came out!! 

Recent comments by

Her name is Creta Girl by Freestree

March 28, 2011 19:11:38 Jump to / Sunday at the Mall

wow, i didn't know that. I saw your post yeah I was scared on my cruise

March 28, 2011 19:11:12 Jump to / Day 28

do you exfoliate? I had to get another lotion for my skin its been super dry lately

March 27, 2011 00:02:20 Jump to / Neutrogena Wave Sonic

Lol, I try

March 02, 2011 11:47:50 Jump to / Day 1

Thank you love, do you watch Rupaul Drag Race OMG!! love that show

March 02, 2011 11:47:36 Jump to / Day 1

Recent comments by

Her name is Creta Girl by Freestree

March 28, 2011 19:11:38 Jump to / Sunday at the Mall

wow, i didn't know that. I saw your post yeah I was scared on my cruise

March 28, 2011 19:11:12 Jump to / Day 28

do you exfoliate? I had to get another lotion for my skin its been super dry lately

March 27, 2011 00:02:20 Jump to / Neutrogena Wave Sonic

Lol, I try

March 02, 2011 11:47:50 Jump to / Day 1

Thank you love, do you watch Rupaul Drag Race OMG!! love that show

March 02, 2011 11:47:36 Jump to / Day 1