Sunday, December 4, 2011

Lips pt 2 (:

This look is for the bold and the brave lol. I think its cute and stylish!
The first 2 pictures is the true color of the lipstick but I decided to darken the lips using the Revlon Sultry for something I would wear during the day.

                   Revlon Photoready in Mocha and Cuppincino
MAC Concealer

WnW Vanity
Maybelline Eyestudio Liner
Maybelline Stiletto Mascara
Maybelline Eyebrow Pencil

Liner in 215 Passion Covergirl
Lipstick in 090 True Red Revlon

Tell what you think?

All About the Lips (:

The First Look is a Darker Lip. I really Love this color it really works for my skin complexion
I love creating eye looks that you can wear with any lip color.

Revlon Photoready in Mocha and Cappuccino
MAC Concealer

WnW Vanity
Maybelline Eyestudio Liner
Maybelline Stiletto Mascara
Maybelline Eyebrow Pencil

Liner in 836 Bloom NYX
Lipstick 646 Sultry Relvon

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Workout Plan...Rough Draft

  1. Say No to Weight Watchers Sort of...I decided to use MyFitnessPal instead of paying for weight watchers when I can track for free! However I will use WW point system since I already know how it works. 
  2. Sign Up for Beachbody...I have a friend who is a beachbody coach and she going to help me and some friends stay motivate to workout and try new  workouts like Turbofire (:
  3. Walking...Me and My friends plan/have been walking everyday for the last 2 weeks or so. So far we walk 3miles everyday. The only thing that sucks is the weather, which can put a damper on things.
  4. Cutting out the Junk...I have to clean out my kitchen, which I have but there are few things that I haven't thrown out that I should but if i eat in small portion will be alright. No more fast food, lol I really love McDonalds so I decided to cut that out (wish me Luck) I still plan on going out to dinner but research the meals before going.
  5. Drink more...WATER! I get about 5 cups of water in but I would love to get my 8 cups a day. I decided to drink water every hour. So far so good 
  6. Come up with a Reward system... I think that having a reward system will help keep me motivated and excited to lose weight. For example shopping at VS I've only brought beauty products from them it would be nice to buy some cute and sexy stuff!
  7. Post more...picture about what I eat and workout to. I think that it would be fun and I liked doing post like this in the past
I think I will write separate post on The Reward System, Vision Board, and Workout Clothing (:
Would love Feedback!

Monday, August 29, 2011


I just had a breakdown after getting off the scale. I've been trying my hardest to get back to being healthy but I've been SO freaking busy! I think I'm more upset with myself because I have the resource but I haven't been using them. In the last couple of weeks my weight has been on my mind more and more. Which is causing me to lose confident in myself and have this ill feeling about myself. And I really need to nip this in the butt before it becomes a Huge problem. I've been writing down a few things to get back on the right track

  1. Go back to using Weight Watchers, I've used this program in the past with Great Results but since we moved to another state I had to leave the program. I did try going back to weight watchers online but I like and enjoy going to the meeting because it was so helpful and the staff are so freaking supportive.
  2. Switch up my workout plan, Tonio brought Insanity a few months ago and we did start it but we got so busy that we couldn't find the time. I also plan on meeting up with a friend she a Beach Body Coach/Member. Hopefully she can help me out (support) I want to still include fun workouts like Zumba but I know I have to really push myself because I know I've hit my wall and its been hard breaking through it.  
  3. Set a Real Weightloss Goal, I have 30lbs to lose (ideal) so I have to come up with a healthy and smart amount to lose. Each week or month
  4. Reward myself when I've achieve my goal  big or small), I think this will push me to keep working at my Ideal weight goal.
I have several more but this would be a long list lol just a few off my head. If you have any tips or suggest PLEASE leave a comment. I might go into more details about each step I plan to use (:

picture source

Monday, August 22, 2011

My Take On-Neutrogena Pore Toner

I wanted to do a Review on Neutrogena Pore Refining Toner. I've been using this for several months, One of the Best product toner!!

Product Description"Visibly reduces the appearance of pores and refines skin to be clear, smooth, and more even toned. Has Alpha and Beta Hydroxy Formula. Sweeps away dead surface skin and smoothes over rough, uneven patches. Penetrates deep into pores to visibly reduces their appearance for clearer-looking skin. Skin is left soft, smooth, and refreshed. 

My Take On this Toner:
It says that it reduces the appearance of pores it didn't reduces the apperance for me and I have huge pores. Which I didn't think that it would so I wasn't disappointed. 

Clear, smooth, and even toned skin, it does leave my face super smooth and soft. It doesn't feel dry but you still need to moisturizer your face after using the toner. Its a little drying.
My dark spots on my face are getting lighter I won't say go get this to lighten your spots but it does help.

Sweeps away dead surface skin?? YES it does!! I have dry skin and I have alot of flakes because of it. This product really gets rid of the dead skin hands down. and to show you I'm not lying I took a picture! This is 
After cleaning and using a face scrub
My face does seem more refresh but I only notice it once I've moisturize my face. so it could be the toner not sure. 

I have to say I give the product 5/5

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I Know I'm Late...

But I wanted to post My July Birchbox. This Box was special because Designer Cynthia Rowley! I know I wont be using some of the items.

 Redken Shine Flash
 I won't be using this so I will give this to one of my friends

 Purity Facial Cleanser. I actually been wanting to try this out for awhile but didnt want to waste the money if I did buy and didnt like it. I will be using

Joya Perfume
 It has a nice scent to it, not sure If I will using this

YBF Beauty
 Eye Brow Pencil you can never have too many 

It also came with Nuxe Dry Oil and a Almond Apricot treat

August BirchBox

June Jacob Purifying Masque

The Cool Fix that treats ingrown hiar, razor bumps and etc

 Climate Control Heat and Humidity Gel 

Photo Finish Foundation Primer

I really cant wait to use the Foundation Primer and Heat and Humidity Gel because as to know natural hair can get really frizz. I will do a review on those!

Friday, August 19, 2011

I Hate My Nails...

I think I say this every single day how much I hate my nails because I DO!! They wont grow or when they do they break off. I take my vitamins, drink water, wearing gloves but still no nails. When I got gel nails couple weeks ago my nails grow very long and I would apply OPI Envy to the nails and they still broke off ):

I decided to try something new I went to Sally's the other day and picked up 2 nail products
I picked up IBD Reconstrux 
Product Description "Rebuild and Renew Nail Growth in 30 days, enhance nail growth, strengthen weak nails and renew damaged nails".
Instructions-apply on nail and cuticle area repeat twice a day in the morning and night

Growth Spurt
Product Description "Promotes Stronger, Longer, and Healthier Nails

Before applying them I prep the nail first
Products Used 

Nails Before

Nail File & Shaped

Once I finish filing my nail and shaping them I apply the Reconstrux to each nail once that dried I apply the Growth Spurt. After that was dried I massage the cuticle oil form Deja Vu to my nail and cuticle.

 I hope this can somewhat help my nails I will do a 1 month check up with you guys (:

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Whoo I'm 1 Year Natural!!!


I am HAPPY and PROUD to say I just celebrated My 1 year mark being Natural on Tuesday. It really doesn't seem like its been a year but it has. I have to be honest that its still a learning process and you have to be committed to your hair. I have to say there were SEVERAL times where I wanted to cut my hair off, color it and/or start over. I'm Proud to say I NEVER once thought about going back to relaxers. Yes it is hard finding hairstyles and dealing with a new texture but relaxers were more frustrating and damaging to my hair. I think that I could have done better with my hair but I am proud of the results.

Use Raw Shea Butter, when I decided to go natural everyone talked about how much they love using shea butter and how it help with their hair. I went out and brought some but never used it because my hair was growing out and I really didn't see the need to using it. Now that my hair has reached a certain length.

Detangle more..I've been really bad about detangling my hair after every wash. Sometimes I'm in a rush and just need to wash my hair and go. (i don't do wash and gos)

TRIM its time for a Serious Trim. I have not trim my hair because I'm afraid of cutting it lol said the person who wanted to chop it off again #sad. I'm not sure yet if I'm going to trim it myself or go to a professional. However that's been an issue lately.

Throughout the year I had to deal with dryness but lately its been getting better, however I'm dealing with shedding. I really need to find ways to deal with this. I try my hardest not to put too much stress on my hair. I try once to put heat on it. I flat iron a small section and decided I wasn't ready for that. Ok back to the shedding, if anyone knows a method I can use please leave me a comment it would help alot!!

Products that I use
Can't live without
Shampoo/Condition-Herbal Essence Hello Hydration
Leave in Conditioner-Creme of Nature Lemongrass and Rosemary
Deep Conditioner/Detangler-Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayo
Oils-Olive Oil, Coconut, and Jojoba Oil mix with WATER

Growing on me
Shea Moisture Organic Curl Enhancing Smoothie
Shea Moisture Raw Shea Restorative Trauma Masque
Herbal Essence Long Term Relationship


Twist Out

Finger Coil
Aug '10-June'11

Hair Puff


Saturday, June 18, 2011

My June BirchBox

My Birch Box came!!


Laura Geller Baked Blush n Brighten

Deborah Lippmann Nail Polish Remover

Kate Spade Scent

Shu Uemura Oil

Sircuit Cosmeceutical Mist

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Relay For Life 2011

SO this past weekend Me and the rest of My ESC members participated in the Relay for Life for the first time! It was amazing and emotionally. It started Friday at 5:30pm until Saturday 7:30am. I'm so proud of My Team we worked Our Butts off and it Paid OFF!!! We Won Best New Campsite, Won Duck Tape/Newspaper Costume, second place in bedazzled Bra, and Overall We Won The Spirit Stick!!! We walked about 10miles so Our bodies were feeling it but It was All worth it.

The Relay for Life was not just about the events it was to celebrate the lives of those who have been diagnosed with Cancer and is fighting or Passed away from it. It was really touching to see all those survivors. It makes you think about life and your love ones.

Here's a few pictures

Us with Our Spirit Stick

Our Campsite

Survivors and their families

Our Car

Natural Ladies

Dancing our butts

Recent comments by

Her name is Creta Girl by Freestree

March 28, 2011 19:11:38 Jump to / Sunday at the Mall

wow, i didn't know that. I saw your post yeah I was scared on my cruise

March 28, 2011 19:11:12 Jump to / Day 28

do you exfoliate? I had to get another lotion for my skin its been super dry lately

March 27, 2011 00:02:20 Jump to / Neutrogena Wave Sonic

Lol, I try

March 02, 2011 11:47:50 Jump to / Day 1

Thank you love, do you watch Rupaul Drag Race OMG!! love that show

March 02, 2011 11:47:36 Jump to / Day 1

Recent comments by

Her name is Creta Girl by Freestree

March 28, 2011 19:11:38 Jump to / Sunday at the Mall

wow, i didn't know that. I saw your post yeah I was scared on my cruise

March 28, 2011 19:11:12 Jump to / Day 28

do you exfoliate? I had to get another lotion for my skin its been super dry lately

March 27, 2011 00:02:20 Jump to / Neutrogena Wave Sonic

Lol, I try

March 02, 2011 11:47:50 Jump to / Day 1

Thank you love, do you watch Rupaul Drag Race OMG!! love that show

March 02, 2011 11:47:36 Jump to / Day 1