Oils, are one the BEST ways to help with dry and brittle hair. There is alot of different oils that can help reduce or control dryness. I went into a little bit more details about the different types of oils and the brands I use in my hair click here.
My Top Pick Oils
Olive Oil or EVOO(extra virgin olive oil)
Sweet Almond Oil
Tree Tea Oil
Castor Oil
You can find these oils in your local supermarket, beauty supply store, GNC, etc. I put the ones I use on a daily in blue. Now there are 3 different ways I apply these oils to my hair. These things help keep my hair soft, smooth, and moisturize
1. In a Spray Bottle- I put a mixture of my favorite oils and water in a cheap spray bottle you can get a walmart or the dallor store. I apply it to my hair whenever it looks or feels dry. I spray this mixture in my hair also before and after I style my hair. You can do this in the morning or at night, just be carefully with oils they can lead to breakouts! Make sure you wrap your hair up at night to keep the moisture in.
2. Prepoo- its pretty much applying your favorite oil(s) to your dry hair before washing it. You can also use honey if you want. You apply it to the entire hair and scalp. Now you can leave it in for a few minutes(20-30), couple hours, or even overnight(I haven't done yet). Then you rinse that out and apply your conditioner/shampoo.
3. Hot Oil Treatment- This where you heat your oil(s) and apply it to the hair. For my hair it makes it appear shiny and smooth, without giving it that greasy look or feel.
Water, is a great moisturizer. Just be carefully or aware of "Hard" Water, which can cause your hair to become dry, fizzy, or itchy. It can make your skin dry and itchy as well. I know when I was relaxed I did everything I could to avoid getting my hair wet because it would cause my hair to frizz up. At the time I didn't know water was good thing for my hair. Now that I'm natural I apply water whenever I get a chance and I find myself walking in the rain, yes I said walking!! I don't RUN from the rain anymore..lol
Butters, Ok I wont go into much details in this area because I don't use this method, well not yet. Shea Butter is another product people use to help with dryness.
Spray Bottle Mixture Result
Hot Oil Treatment Result
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