Well guys I use to say this all the time whenever my period came on. I don't know bout you ladies but my cramps are horrible. They would keep me in bed for days. Until a year ago I realize that working out actually helped with my cramps. I really wanted to go to Zumba, so I went my cycle wasn't heavy I think I was on day 4 or whatever. So the whole time I'm thinking shit WHY?? did I come! finally class was over while we were walking out it hit me "WOW, I actually feel GOOD". Now to be honest I thought well its day 4 my cramps aren't really bad so did working out really help?? The next following month I decided to workout on DAY 2, I decided to workout to the in my living room just in case I passed out..lol
At some point I stopped worrying about my cramps. Once I was done I felt Great and I kept on working out on my cycle. Now there are times where I just can't do it.
So for those who don't workout on ur cycle maybe you should give it a try, you never know it could help.
Things I do while or Before working out on my cycle.
- Drink Plenty of Water (a must)
- Stretch before and after (a must)
- I like doing cardio...zumba, steps, or belly dancing
- I like doing lower body exercises
- I try not to eat alot of fiber because it makes my cramps worst
- After and before I use a heating pad on my abdomen you can use a heating pad, water bottle full with hot water, etc.
- Remember to breathe and have FUN!!
- Don't push yourself too much Relax if you need to
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