Friday, August 13, 2010

Natural Showcase- Shaina King


1.  How long have you been Natural or Transitioning? I have been Natural for 1 year and 2 months

2. What made you go Natural? I wanted to go Natural because I wanted to try something different other than a perm. Also wanted to see how long my hair would get from cutting it for the Natural process.

3. Did you do your Own BC? No

4. Since the cut do you feel different? Yes, I get lots of compliments on my hair and it makes me feel like Natural is a new me.

5. Is there any Challenges to being Natural? Yes just being able to keep up with it if you want it to look right and grow. Sometimes choosing hair styles to fit you with the Natural look is a Challenge to me.

6. How do you rock your hair? I usually rock my hair in the throwback puff ponytail, dread twist, and two strand twist.

7. What do you like most about your style? The color I recently added to it.

8. What is your Go to Product? Olive Oil

9. What's your hair regimen? Basically sticking to one hair care product, no more than two different stylists, and getting my hair done every 2 weeks.

10. If you have a blog, twitter, etc feel free to add!!

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